Some place names across Newtownabbey trip people up when they are trying to pronounce them.Some place names across Newtownabbey trip people up when they are trying to pronounce them.
Some place names across Newtownabbey trip people up when they are trying to pronounce them.

The 9 most mispronounced place names in Newtownabbey

For Newtownabbey natives, the majority of the region’s towns, villages, townlands and street names roll easily off the tongue.

Some are straightforward, like Ballyclare, Glengormley and Ballyduff. Others are certainly not!

Whether you’re a visitor to the borough or you’ve recently moved to the area, there are some names that really seem to trip people up.

Check out our list of 9 places and see if you agree.

Check out our list of 9 places and see if you agree.

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